Renee Gallison




Thank you for visting my site and taking a look at some of what I've done over the years.

HuePets Diet Tracker
A cross-platform diet tracking program designed to improve the diets of kids while making it fun.
Huetrition Brand Website
Corporate marketing website for Huetirtion brand
Ashland Cherryland FamFest Website
A wordpress website with a custom theme to promote Ashland's annual FamFest Run/Walk/Roll event.
Trend2Table Web App
A social networking site for the food service professionals to share, get inspired, win prizes, and get free samples.
CDA Website
Corporate marketing website for up and coming agency, Creative Digital Agency.
Interactive Mobile Snow Globe
A dynamic web page designed to mimic a snow globe when user shakes their phone.
Online Coloring Pages
A dynamic web page designed for Babybel Cheese to allowed users to color multiple pages and save/ share their work.
Minions Love Bananas Web App
An cross-branded web app that allowed users to sign up, play games, and earn prizes.
3D Cube Carousel
A dynamic web page designed to display images with unique geometirc transition.
Film Strip Carousel
A dynamic web page designed to disply images in a fun ans creative way.
FunMobility Digital Experience Platform
A web app designed to allow users to configure and publish micro experiences to engage their customers.
FunMobility Nanosites
Customizable, turnkey mobile experiences that can be published to a number of channels - web, SMS, email, social, advertising, QR, print.